RO Brine Recovery Process Demand is Growing

There is no denying the demand for fresh, clean, filtered water in the manufacturing sector is growing. Many of today's factories and production lines require water free from a wide range of metals, particles and other contaminants — while the production process itself is simultaneously producing those contaminates.

Traditional RO processes recover an average of 50-80% of the water, but that leaves a high volume of wastewater (brine) that then must be disposed of, creating a new set of problems. With a Tubular Membrane system designed by Duraflow for the maximum amount of brine recovery, factories and manufacturing facilities can recover as much as 94% of the water they use.

For example, if a factory were to use 100 gallons of water in their process, using a traditional RO system, they would purify 75 of those gallons for use in the manufacturing process resulting in 75% recovery from the RO system. But that leaves 25 gallons of brine that, with increasing regulations and laws surrounding proper disposal, can be costly to deal with. By adding the Tubular Membrane RO brine Recovery process to treat an purify this 25 gallons of brine, they can recover 94 gallons of water, leaving them with just 6 gallons to dispose of. This also opens up the possibility of having a Zero Liquid Discharge facility, using an evaporation system to remove the last of the water, leaving behind only solid matter to be disposed of.

This process can reduce costs, and save time and energy across the board.

To learn more about RO Brine Recovery, and how Duraflow's Tubular Membrane system works, read the full article.

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